Monday, November 17, 2008

A little bit more progress

What a dark,damp,drizzle of a day. Gentle rain falls so fine it could almost be mistaken for sea mist. As the south coast is about seventy miles away sadly it isn't.
Its rain, and its the type that makes my hair go excessively curly.
The birds in the garden seem to be enjoying it as they are all singing a merrie olde tune this grey morning.

My birds are coming along slowly....

Lots more still to do on all areas!


  1. Oh, I love the progress! There is depth to what is happening and it's feeling more alive.

  2. I love the painting! Really beautiful and atmospheric.

    And, be thankful. Nothing, no even rain, makes my hair go excessively curly!

  3. It's coming along beautifully! I love the colours and you've captured the texture of the birds' feathers really well.x

  4. wonderful painting although the crow looks a little suspicious.... hope he isnt going to peck her....

  5. Oh I really love it! Its has your gentle style and is so compelling and mysterious.
    So nice to see work in progress too!

  6. It's so lovely, It has such atmosphere, I love it!!!

  7. Thanks for sharing the progression...very lovely.

  8. It's looking amazing Karen. I adore the big black crow :-)

  9. Sounds like the rain we have here all winter. Except when it's harder. :-)

    I'm really liking this piece. Lovely, effective composition, deceptively simple while still feeling mysterious. Very nice!

  10. Thanks for all of your kind and positive comments.x
    Its good to share a piece from start to finish.
    Its been a little frustrating this week as I haven't got on quite as fast as I would have liked to. And now the computer is sulking and not letting me up load any pictures? So, rather than get myself in a frenzy,I will carry on painting until G comes home from work and uses his wizardry on it.

  11. Hello from Cornwall! *waves*
    Just discovered your blog & wanted to say hi...your artwork is lovely & I am about to have a good old nose!:)


  12. Love your paintings,they are wonderful! It's great to follow the progres,thank you for sharing your beautiful art!


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