I went a 'Maying' to bring inside
A favourite flower, yet could not decide,
on meadow jewels or hedgerow lace,
Buttercup, sweet golden face,
Bluebell charmed me beneath soft dappled light,
Apple blossom shared the secret scent of angel flight,
All are heavenly treasures, gifts from the Fae
In the merry merry month of May
~ Karen Davis May 2018
Feeling very much filled with the joys of Spring on the 1st of May I painted this teeny tiny painting.
The month has been glorious so far and the apple blossom, like something from a fairy tale this year. To just sit and 'be' beneath these boughs is truly a divine gift from above. I know I probably sound a little like Anne Shirley from Green Gables but honestly seriously think that people that are unwell or feeling sad should be prescribed by their doctors to sit beneath blossom. Especially apple blossom. The scent is heavenly and if angels do have secret scents of flight, (I like to imagine that they would) then I'm sure at least one of them would be the scent of the humble apple. Apples themselves are known to have healing properties so there is definite truth to the old saying 'An apple a day keeps the Doctor away' So why not the scent too?
There is a little blossom left, but most is going over now. Hopefully the bees have done their job and we will have a good harvest of fruit later on in the year. That's not the end of the decorated trees in the garden though as the hawthorn is about to burst into bloom. Today it is in tight bud so by tomorrow or the next day, with a good sprinkling of sunshine it will be the star of the garden.
The flowers of the season are definitely being reflected in my work. This little painting was done for fun back on St Georges day (April 23rd) 
Whilst sitting on the back door step listening to the blackbird song I noticed this beautiful hawk moth. With the help of Mr Google found out it's an Angles Shades ( Phlogophora meticulousa)
It rested here all day, luckily too close to the house to be under any threat from the birds.
It was not so pleasing to see that Mr and Mrs Blackbird had abandoned their nest after the last cold spell in April. After noticing it very close to the house, each time walking past could see that no bird was sitting on the eggs. Sadly they were left and then were eaten by something?
But 'hurrah' am now happy to report that they have since got a new nest close by to where the initial one was and are currently feeding chicks! (dear little tweeting sounds are coming from further back in the hedge)
And here is proud Daddy stopping by on the bird feeder for snacks.
Lawn update...In my last post I shared the primroses taking over the lawn and mentioned that we had decided to let a large area of lawn go wild throughout the summer for the pollinating insects. So here are a few pictures of what it's looking like and plants that have appeared.
Forgetmenot, dandelion, cow parsley, dead nettle.
Cowslips in the background, planted two of those, years back and they have seeded beneath the apple trees. Forgot to mention that last time.
These little mounds of earth on the lawn could be some type of mining bee? If you know what causes them please comment and let me know. They are different than worm casts.
Sweet simple daisies.
Bugle and ground ivy
There is also plantain, hawkweed and clover coming up in other areas. The cow parsley in the picture below has been allowed to establish over the last few years. It's one of my favourite spring flowers and I married in May (many years ago) for the specific reason that they could appear at my wedding. :-)
We've mown paths through as you can see which makes it easier to get around the garden when the grass is wet and ties in nicely with the top area which is still mown short around the flower beds.
That's all for now...
Wishing you the sweet magic of May.