Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Surreal Times

It's been a while since I posted here. The last time, back in January I was still very much wanting to be in hibernation. Who knew a kind of enforced hibernation from others, would be on the cards back then. It's all like a strange, bad dream isn't it. Something so tiny having such a huge impact on us all. How powerful humans think they are and yet how fragile we can be. With most of the world confined to their homes I feel extremely grateful. Not just to have a place to call home, but also a garden in which to be able to be outside, whenever I want to be.  
So from the garden is a posy of flowers for you dear readers to brighten your day.
Here in the UK we are allowed a walk outside for exercise once a day. Luckily the countryside is on the doorstep so Mother natures spring gifts are always close by.
When this lockdown was announced last week I made the decision to close both shops for the time being. The reason for this is, the post office that I use is very tiny and although not always particularly busy at this time of year, there is a narrow passageway that makes it difficult to stay at the required distance from people. I will let you know of any changes and when and if I have reopened. But for now I feel it is the right decision. In the meantime there is lots to be getting on with creating stock ready for when the shop does open again. Last week truth be told, I found it very difficult to concentrate. No doubt many of you have felt the same? It was hard to sit still when the news seemed to be constantly changing. So solace was sought in the garden. The weather was lovely, blue clear skies and a real warmth to the sun. each year the the primroses take over the lawn just that little bit more. I made a little video and put it on Youtube. Let me whisk you away, take a look below. 
With all that has happened the beginning of this month seems like an age ago now. But back then when when things were normal, I finished this picture. 'Stone Scent and Spirit' 
It's currently part of The Gathering exhibition at the Inverarity Gallery in Scotland. The Gallery is still open for purchases. So if you are interested in this original which is for sale via them, then do pop across here

These are truly surreal times we are living in but we will get through them. So many wonderful uplifting stories are being shared and acts of kindness. We all have to do our bit however small it may seem. Whether it's sharing beautiful things stories, music and kind words to help lift one another's days, to helping those in need when we can and of course cheering on our wonderful NHS staff and all on the frontlines every Thursday at 8pm from our windows and doorways. Although I can't get out and about to share places on here, there are others things to share and a few places I visited last year that I never got around to blogging about. So I will be checking back here soon.
In the mean time, stay safe

"It's like in the great stories Mr Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were, and sometimes you didn't want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to how it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end it's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass" ~ Sam Wise The Two Towers by JRR Tolkien