I was recently given this award by two people with lovely blogs of their own.... Leanne over at
Somerset seasons and Kathleen at
Life Earth Sky . Thank you both! :-)
The Byrum spiritual Art blog award, only recently created, which you can read about
here has to be passed on to two people who have inspired me with their art and whose work reveals a special magic and spirituality to the viewer.
I pass it on to
Jackie Morris for all her magical paintings and words that she creates and to a recent discovery, Andrea Gutierrez's lovely whimsical work at
my little big headI know that not everyone, including myself sometimes when tagged, acknowledges it on their blog. This tagging business can be fun, but also a very time consuming thing, especially when you are a plodder on the keyboard like myself ;) However, I do appeciate being chosen and will always thank people with a comment on their blog, if I don't join in. I apologise now if I have completely forgotten to do that with someone! ;)
Now, on to other things .....
A few weeks back I mentioned that I had found a treasure that would have to wait to be shown on a future post. It was the very same day that I had found a skeleton leaf. I had been enjoying the early spring sunshine and removing some of the moss that spreads all over the white violets.
I uncovered this ....

Not wanting to put it back, for fear of it being eaten by a bird, now I had disturbed it. I decided it would be a good idea to bring it inside, put it in a jar and wait and watch what was to emerge?
I browsed the internet finding information on moth chrysalis's and the conditions they needed and have been since watching and waiting.

I believe it is a type of hawk moth chrysalis? All was going well and it was moving if you gently touched it, which I read was a sign of it about to hatch? However, this week its sadly stopped moving and I now believe has died.
A sad tale to have to tell you and maybe a lesson learned by me, not to intefere with mother nature.
Strange how things happen, and what a coincidence. Look what I found, newly born in the basket where my pink carnations are growing....

A gorgeous fluffy puss moth fresh out of its cocoon!! Look closely at the picture, you can see the hole its crawled out of, attached to the side of the basket.
' When one door closes another one opens '