Friday brought the last day of the school term, the beginning of our summer holidays, and the end of my daughters time at Primary school forever.
Its hard to believe how fast the wheel of time turns and how quickly our children grow up.
I will be making the most of spending the days with my two these holidays, which will mean I might not be around as much to update here and visit other blogs for a short while.
We are off to be near the sea for a little bit. Hopefully the sun will shine and the days will be merrie. And I will be taking my sketchbook and camera of course!
I have always been fascinated with time and if given a 'super power' apart from the ability to fly, the other one I would choose would be to be able to travel back in time.
A few weeks ago, my Dad found a bag in his attic filled with old pictures drawn by my sisters and I when we were very young. I enjoyed a sense of travelling back in time, remembering some of the pictures I had made....

Its interesting to see that I liked drawing animals way back then...
And to see foxes, lions and birds included...

But most of all I drew horses!

Infact nearly all of the pictures had a horse in!