Wednesday, July 30, 2008


For 'Illustration Friday' Canned.

It's based on a story that I have running around my head. These characters are busy making starlight soup.

Monday, July 28, 2008

In Memory Of Mum And Her Little Fly

This post is in response to Rima at the hermitage ( flies and time post) A couple of weeks back, she had a morning encounter with a fly that she kindly rescued from the dregs of her previous nights cocoa remains. Her tale reminded me of the time that my own dear Mum did the same, heroically saving a fly from the yorkshire pudding mixture, one Sunday many years ago.
She wrote this rhyming verse about it and I thought I'd share it.

Now here's the sad tale of a poor little fly,
Grab hold of your might make you cry.
Now my story begins on a Sunday in May,
I remember it clearly.....t'was roast beef that day.
Now the meat was near cooked, I had all things in hand,
So I mixed up me yorkshire and put it to stand.
I whistled a tune as I peeled all the spuds...
And topped all the carrots, and scraped off the mud.
When all of a sudden.. I chanced to e- spy
On the bowl of me yorkshire, this tiny young fly.
He was so full of life... oh so happy and gay,
And doing no wrong in his own little way.
No more than a baby he skipped round the brim,
Did two double handstands...then tripped and fell in!
Oh you poor little thing, I sobbed and I cried
Being drowned in a yorkshire is no way to die!
I spoke softly to him... to allay any fears,
But I doubt if he heard me...with two battered ears
I struggled to save him , going fast to his doom
When he bravely grabbed hold of the end of me spoon.
Then with tissues and water, and various things,
I wiped his small face and unclogged his poor wings.
He looked wet and forlorn and he started to shiver,
So I carried him in, with the aid of a ladle,
To dry in the sun, on the dining room table.
I felt quite a hero having saved this poor mite
And guessed he 'd fly off...once over his fright.
Well you can't feel the hero for long with my bunch,
They'd soon be in shouting " I'm starving! when's lunch?"
So back to the kitchen, the pans and the pots,
With so much to do, it was all soon 'forgot'.
It wasn't till later when we sat down to eat,
I related the tale of my heroic feat.
" And did he fly off Mum?" asked my youngest, wide eyed
"Oh yes" I said chest puffed with pride,
"I expect he's gone home to his Mum then" she said
"And tonight he'll be back in his own little bed"

What a nice little story......that poor little fly,
What a nice happy ending ...I hear you all cry.
Well thats what my kids thought, cos I never was able
To tell them how later...when I cleared the table,
That this hero...quite sadly, I have to relate,
Had squashed the poor fly, neath her own dinner plate.

By Margaret Davis
1937 -2006

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Travelling Circus

I've had a sketch of this rollerskating rabbit in my drawer for years, and I've finally done something with him. I thought he looked at home with a travelling circus.
The Etsy shop is now up and running after much ummings and ahhings and procrastination. This week has flown by. Between painting I've been picking flowers to sell, tidying sheds, and dare I say it, dealing with an outbreak of dreaded head lice. :/ It seems to be an annual tradition here that just before they break up for the summer one of them is guaranteed to catch the little bleeders!
Its been a perfect summers day outside today. Blue sky, the drowsy hum of bees on lavender and twitterings of hedge sparrow. I have been cold though, every ten minutes I keep popping outside to feel the warmth of the sun on my skin. The house is like a cave, a constant temperature. If this weather keeps up I will go armed with my paints to the garden. I normally find working outside hard when the sun is bright, but I'll see if I can find a comfy shady spot.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Meadowsweet And Marigolds

At last the sun came out! and everything seemed so bright! I had to take a picture of these marigolds. I don't normally go for orange, apart from the eating variety! This year though I planted these from seed and even in all the rain they cheer the garden up. They also go well with the old blue bedstead don't you think?
Yesterday we went for a walk along the canal, well I walked and G,T and J kayacked. The boat could only fit 3, but I didn't mind! :) I strolled along happily content to watch and breathe in the heavenly scent of meadowsweet that smothered the banks. Silly me forgot to take my camera though, so the pictures are of the garden.

Meadowsweet  'Queene of the meadows'
Tradition said that this was a sacred plant to the Druids. It was used as a strewing herb.
"Queene Elizabeth of famous memory did more desire it than any other herb to strew her chambers with all"
And this one's growing in my garden. I must rescue it from the grips of the bind weed!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


This is for Illustration Friday. Its based on superstition belief that mischievious fairyfolk and witches could turn the milk sour.

Rain, Rain And More Rain!

This is what it looks like out today. It has been raining all day and is I believe forecast to do so for the rest of the week. What has happened to the joyful sunny butterfly filled days of summer?? I am sat at my desk and if it wasn't for the green leaves on the trees outside my window, it could easily be mistaken for Autumn. I'm wearing a winter jumper and have even lit a scented candle to give the place some warmth. Maybe I'll light a fire later ;)

Working on wooden things and something for Illustration Friday, which I 'll post later.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


This is my first participation for Illustration Friday. It's based on our cat Louie who sadly is no longer with us. He was quite famous in these parts for being the fierce ginger feline that lived up the hill. The dog walkers who knew him well kept their pets on tight lead when they saw him. Those who didn't were in for a nasty surprise when out of the hedge would leap a lion in domestic cat disguise! He gave many a small dog a bleeding nose and had a habit of clinging on to the backs of the bigger breeds! In the comfort of home, of course, the lion became a kitten!