Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Travelling Circus

I've had a sketch of this rollerskating rabbit in my drawer for years, and I've finally done something with him. I thought he looked at home with a travelling circus.
The Etsy shop is now up and running after much ummings and ahhings and procrastination. This week has flown by. Between painting I've been picking flowers to sell, tidying sheds, and dare I say it, dealing with an outbreak of dreaded head lice. :/ It seems to be an annual tradition here that just before they break up for the summer one of them is guaranteed to catch the little bleeders!
Its been a perfect summers day outside today. Blue sky, the drowsy hum of bees on lavender and twitterings of hedge sparrow. I have been cold though, every ten minutes I keep popping outside to feel the warmth of the sun on my skin. The house is like a cave, a constant temperature. If this weather keeps up I will go armed with my paints to the garden. I normally find working outside hard when the sun is bright, but I'll see if I can find a comfy shady spot.


  1. Oh Karen, I can't tell you how much I love your paintings. I love this new one. A perfect combination of rabbits and circus... I'm smitten! And how did I miss that magpie before?
    Off to visit Etsy now!

  2. You created a lovely atmospheric setting in this painting! I like the sqirrel on a unicycle, it reminds me of one of Leonora Carrington's character's where a cat is 'riding a wheel'. I love that idea!

  3. I love your magical paintings! Thank you for the comment on my blog - I've just found a photo of your cats and they are the spitting image of my studio assistants - how spooky!!! And my latest prints are of magical hares too!

    Good luck with the Etsy shop - I'll pop you on my faves list.


  4. Thanks for all your kind words!

  5. That's a great rabbit, I love it.


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