Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Winter Fire In The Sky, While The Earth Sleeps

”Come, ye cold winds, at January’s call, On whistling wings, and with white flakes bestrew the earth.” ~John Ruskin
If it means I can watch skies such as these while I wait for snow, then I am happy even if we don't get a flake.
A sickle moon, pure and bright as the snowdrop that emerges on the ground beneath.
I love winter gardening and how while the earth sleeps, there is slow time to do those jobs that you haven't got time to do in the spring. Being outdoors, looking up and seeing fire in January skies and then feeling my face glow from a fire of dried brambles. 
As above so below.


  1. Lovely pictures. Whilst others dislike the cold and dark of January, I like that, every once in a while, you get a glimpse of the Spring that is starting to get ready to burst forth x

  2. Beautiful. Just what I need to start my day

  3. Beautiful, it makes me want to get right outside too. I love these cold and crispy days when the garden takes on a different kind of beauty x

  4. Magical and beautiful as always Karen, love this post. Off for a walk outside. xx

  5. Always such beautiful pictures !!!!!
    Thank you :-)


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