Wednesday, April 29, 2015

April forgot her showers

April has forgotten her showers this year it seems? Days have been warm, beneath clear blue skies for most of the month. I have been surrounded by flowers indoors and out.   
Work is  reflecting the April garden, hedgerows and fields.
These little faces are waiting to be paired up with a hare. They will hang beneath. 
A peep at new items waiting to have string and treasures added.
Talking of treasure, I found these delicate pheasant feathers on my way up to the woods.
And these two lovely old books at the car boot sale.  
And this beautiful Oxslip on a sunny bank beneath a sparrow chattering hedge. 
And... a sunbeam charging a dandelion with solar magic. 
What treasure have you found today? 


  1. Walking around our lovely local wood, we found wood anemones, bluebells, primroses, violets, ground elder. We were followed by the robin and harried by wrens. Bugled by blackbirds and heard the knock of the woodpecker. Being able to share this with my mum was the real treasure. She is 85, still willing to adventure over logs and under branches.

  2. Aw how lovely Charlotte. Bless her. I wish my own Mum was still here to come with me, she loved the woods too. x

  3. I simply love that last photo, there's beauty in even the simplest of things, thank you for sharing

  4. Stunning post, I found Jay and Pheasant feathers and a fat slow worm, well our cat Alfie Moon did! :)

  5. Absolutely breathtaking pics, and I love your stunning work. Thank you so much for sharing. Blessings

  6. It's been an age since I found time to come visit here! How lovely are the flowers, it seems your flowers are much ahead of ours up here. The Night Sky book made me smile, I remember my Grandma used to have a copy, I loved to read it when we visited! Beautiful hangers too x

  7. Beautiful!!! I can't help but notice the forget-me-nots ...I've just finished a painting of then. They are such wonderful flowers. Your treasures are so magical

  8. I love the sunbeam picture! Your new artworks are so beautiful I love them all. xx

  9. I feel always cosy, reading your posts! With just a few sentences and lovely photos you succeed to transform your emotions into our own - by what we see and hear...
    I like your wooden amulets and the stories they tell.
    What about April... I know exactly how sunny it was,'cause I was in England, visiting my son!:) (I've just begun a series of posts about my stay there).

  10. Beautiful hangers!
    Love your photos, the dandelion sunbeam pic is really magical! Finding the Stitchwort photo was a real treat.. we have big drifts of them here but I was wondering what they were called :)
    Thanks for another lovely post


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