Each room is decorated as a different period in the Manor's history. I loved the Tudor room.
Although not so keen on the boars head. It wasn't real though, just papier mache, so that was okay.
The kitchen was gorgeous too, filled with sugar and spice and all things nice. Gingerbread, sugared mice, golden coins and marzipan fruit. These were real.
I spied a few letters to Father Christmas too.
It's lovely to get out and see the old houses decked up for the festive season.
Here at home the wreath is on the door and I've given Mr Fox a mistletoe crown.
Things are looking sparkly with the return of the low winter light reaching into the windows and playing rainbow chase on walls. Each year I seem to appreciate it a little bit more than I did the year before.
And it always takes my breath away and makes me sit and just be, which is so important in this mad and crazy world.
Of course it's handy too if there is a mince pie ;)
When the short days light has said it's goodnight, the room twinkles yet again.
From pine scented branches.
And glows around royal crowns.
And then in the morning, again.
A brand new day begins within a single raindrop sparkle.
Wishing you all the most peaceful and magical Christmas time.X